Saturday, June 14, 2008

The Unicode Standard Version 5.0

The Unicode Standard Version 5.0

Unicode 5.0.0 is a major version of the Unicode Standard and supersedes all previous versions. Version 5.0.0 of the Unicode Standard consists of the publication The Unicode Standard, Version 5.0 plus the Unicode Character Database, Version 5.0.0. The book gives the general principles, requirements for conformance, and guidelines for implementers, followed by character code charts and names and the text of all of the Unicode Standard Annexes.

Use the following url to access the free ebook The Unicode Standard Version 5.0 .

A Question of Balance

A Question of Balance

A Question of Balance examines this balancing act. The committee concludes that because database rights holders already enjoy significant legal, technical, and market-based protections, the need for statutory protection has not been sufficiently substantiated.

Use the following url to access the free ebook A Question of Balance .

Academic Careers for Experimental Computer Scientists and Engineers

Academic Careers for Experimental Computer Scientists and Engineers

This volume examines what is special about experimental computer science and what can be done to achieve a better fit for its practitioners in the academic context.

Use the following url to access the free ebook Academic Careers for Experimental Computer Scientists and Engineers .

Critical Information Infrastructure Protection and the Law

Critical Information Infrastructure Protection and the Law

The report provides a preliminary analysis of the role of criminal law, liability law, and the establishment of best practices, in encouraging various stakeholders to secure their computer systems and networks.

Use the following url to access the free ebook Cryptography\'s Role in Securing the Information Society .

Cryptography's Role in Securing the Information Society

Cryptography's Role in Securing the Information Society

This book presents a comprehensive examination of cryptography and its evolution from a national security tool to a key compenent of the global information super-highway.

Use the following url to access the free ebook Cryptography\'s Role in Securing the Information Society .

Embedded, Everywhere

Embedded, Everywhere

Embedded, Everywhere explores the potential of networked systems of embedded computers and the research challenges arising from embedding computation and communications technology into a wide variety of applications from precision agriculture to automotive telematics to defense systems.

Use the following url to access the free ebook Embedded, Everywhere .

For the Record: Protecting Electronic Health Information

For the Record: Protecting Electronic Health Information

For the Record explores major privacy and security concerns in protecting health care information in electronic form: increased potential for inappropriate release of information by individual organizations and systemic concerns derived from widespread data sharing among various parties.

Use the following url to access the free ebook For the Record: Protecting Electronic Health Information .

Fostering Research on the Economic and Social Impacts of Information Technology

Fostering Research on the Economic and Social Impacts of Information Technology

The book discusses significant research issues and concerns and suggests approaches for fostering increased interdisciplinary research on the impacts of information technology and making the results of this research more accessible to the public and policymakers.

Use the following url to access the free ebook Fostering Research on the Economic and Social Impacts of Information Technology .

Getting Up to Speed: The Future of Supercomputing

Getting Up to Speed: The Future of Supercomputing

This report provides an assessment of the current status of supercomputing in the United States including a review of current demand and technology, infrastructure and institutions, and international activities.

Use the following url to access the free ebook Getting Up to Speed: The Future of Supercomputing .

Health Data in the Information Age

Health Data in the Information Age

Based on experience with databases now in operation and in development, Health Data in the Information Age provides a clear set of guidelines and principles for exploiting the potential benefits of aggregated health data--without jeopardizing confidentiality.

Use the following url to access the free ebook Health Data in the Information Age .

Information Technologies and Social Transformation

Information Technologies and Social Transformation

This collection of papers by scholars of technology and society, based on a National Academy of Engineering symposium, explores the process of mutual adjustment between information technologies and social institutions.

Use the following url to access the free ebook Information Technologies and Social Transformation .

Information Technology for Counterterrorism

Information Technology for Counterterrorism

This report concludes that the most devastating consequences of a terrorist attack would occur if it were on or used IT as part of a broader attack. The report presents two recommendations on what can be done in the short term to protect the nation s communications and information systems and several recommendations about what can be done over the longer term.

Use the following url to access the free ebook Information Technology for Counterterrorism .

Information Technology for Manufacturing

Information Technology for Manufacturing

This book describes a vision of manufacturing in the twenty-first century that maximizes efficiencies and improvements by exploiting the full power of information and provides a research agenda for information technology and manufacturing that is necessary for success in achieving such a vision.

Use the following url to access the free ebook Information Technology for Manufacturing .

Information Technology in the Service Society

Information Technology in the Service Society

This book assesses the ways in which different service firms have selected and implemented information technology, examining the impact of different management actions and styles on the perceived benefits of information technology in services.

Use the following url to access the free ebook Information Technology in the Service Society .

Information Technology Research, Innovation, and E-Government

Information Technology Research, Innovation, and E-Government

E-government innovation will require addressing a broad array of issues, including organization and policy as well as engineering practice and technology research and development, and each of these issues is considered in the book.

Use the following url to access the free ebook Information Technology Research, Innovation, and E-Government .

Intellectual Property Issues in Software

Intellectual Property Issues in Software

Software is the product of intellectual creativity, but protection of the intellectual property residing in software is the subject of some controversy. This book captures a wide range of perspectives on the topic from industry, academe, and government, drawing on information presented at a workshop and forum.

Use the following url to access the free ebook Intellectual Property Issues in Software .

Making IT Better

Making IT Better

As I.T. becomes integrated into all aspects of society, the need for research is even greater. And the range of issues that need to be addressed is broader than ever. This book highlights the fundamental importance of research to ensure that I.T. meets society's expanding needs.

Use the following url to access the free ebook Making IT Better .

Embedded, Everywhere

Embedded, Everywhere

Embedded, Everywhere explores the potential of networked systems of embedded computers and the research challenges arising from embedding computation and communications technology into a wide variety of applications from precision agriculture to automotive telematics to defense systems.

Use the following url to access the free ebook Embedded, Everywhere .

For the Record: Protecting Electronic Health Information

For the Record: Protecting Electronic Health Information

For the Record explores major privacy and security concerns in protecting health care information in electronic form: increased potential for inappropriate release of information by individual organizations and systemic concerns derived from widespread data sharing among various parties.

Use the following url to access the free ebook For the Record: Protecting Electronic Health Information .

Fostering Research on the Economic and Social Impacts of Information Technology

Fostering Research on the Economic and Social Impacts of Information Technology

The book discusses significant research issues and concerns and suggests approaches for fostering increased interdisciplinary research on the impacts of information technology and making the results of this research more accessible to the public and policymakers.

Use the following url to access the free ebook Fostering Research on the Economic and Social Impacts of Information Technology .

Getting Up to Speed: The Future of Supercomputing

Getting Up to Speed: The Future of Supercomputing

This report provides an assessment of the current status of supercomputing in the United States including a review of current demand and technology, infrastructure and institutions, and international activities.

Use the following url to access the free ebook Getting Up to Speed: The Future of Supercomputing .

Health Data in the Information Age

Health Data in the Information Age

Based on experience with databases now in operation and in development, Health Data in the Information Age provides a clear set of guidelines and principles for exploiting the potential benefits of aggregated health data--without jeopardizing confidentiality.

Use the following url to access the free ebook Health Data in the Information Age .

Information Technologies and Social Transformation

Information Technologies and Social Transformation

This collection of papers by scholars of technology and society, based on a National Academy of Engineering symposium, explores the process of mutual adjustment between information technologies and social institutions.

Use the following url to access the free ebook Information Technologies and Social Transformation .

Information Technology for Counterterrorism

Information Technology for Counterterrorism

This report concludes that the most devastating consequences of a terrorist attack would occur if it were on or used IT as part of a broader attack. The report presents two recommendations on what can be done in the short term to protect the nation s communications and information systems and several recommendations about what can be done over the longer term.

Use the following url to access the free ebook Information Technology for Counterterrorism .

Information Technology for Manufacturing

Information Technology for Manufacturing

This book describes a vision of manufacturing in the twenty-first century that maximizes efficiencies and improvements by exploiting the full power of information and provides a research agenda for information technology and manufacturing that is necessary for success in achieving such a vision.

Use the following url to access the free ebook Information Technology for Manufacturing .

Information Technology in the Service Society

Information Technology in the Service Society

This book assesses the ways in which different service firms have selected and implemented information technology, examining the impact of different management actions and styles on the perceived benefits of information technology in services.

Use the following url to access the free ebook Information Technology in the Service Society .

Information Technology Research, Innovation, and E-Government

Information Technology Research, Innovation, and E-Government

E-government innovation will require addressing a broad array of issues, including organization and policy as well as engineering practice and technology research and development, and each of these issues is considered in the book.

Use the following url to access the free ebook Information Technology Research, Innovation, and E-Government .

Intellectual Property Issues in Software

Intellectual Property Issues in Software

Software is the product of intellectual creativity, but protection of the intellectual property residing in software is the subject of some controversy. This book captures a wide range of perspectives on the topic from industry, academe, and government, drawing on information presented at a workshop and forum.

Use the following url to access the free ebook Intellectual Property Issues in Software .

Making IT Better

Making IT Better

As I.T. becomes integrated into all aspects of society, the need for research is even greater. And the range of issues that need to be addressed is broader than ever. This book highlights the fundamental importance of research to ensure that I.T. meets society's expanding needs.

Use the following url to access the free ebook Making IT Better .

Networking Health: Prescriptions for the Internet

Networking Health: Prescriptions for the Internet

Networking Health examines ways in which the Internet may become a routine part of health care delivery and payment, public health, health education, and biomedical research.

Use the following url to access the free ebook Networking Health: Prescriptions for the Internet .

Preparing for the Revolution

Preparing for the Revolution

Preparing for the Revolution: Information Technology and the Future of the Research University identifies those information technologies likely to evolve in the near term (a decade or less) that could ultimately have a major impact on the research university

Use the following url to access the free ebook Preparing for the Revolution .

Realizing the Information Future: The Internet and Beyond

Realizing the Information Future: The Internet and Beyond

Realizing the Information Future is written by key players in the development of Internet and other data networks. The volume highlights what we can learn from Internet and how the research, education, and library communities can take full advantage of the information highway's promised reach through time and space.

Use the following url to access the free ebook Realizing the Information Future: The Internet and Beyond .

Supercomputers: Directions in Technology and Applications

Supercomputers: Directions in Technology and Applications

Supercomputers explores commercial supercomputer applications today as well as those emerging from university laboratories. It outlines trends in the supercomputing technology into the near future, and also contributes to a growing debate on the roles of the public and private sectors in nurturing this vital technology.

Use the following url to access the free ebook Supercomputers: Directions in Technology and Applications .

The Changing Nature of Telecommunications/Information Infrastructure

The Changing Nature of Telecommunications/Information Infrastructure

This book presents a range of positions and perspectives on those two classes of policy mechanism, providing a succinct analysis followed by papers prepared by experts in telecommunications policy and applications.

Use the following url to access the free ebook The Changing Nature of Telecommunications/Information Infrastructure .

The Future of Supercomputing

The Future of Supercomputing

This free online book The Future of Supercomputing: An Interim Report is authored by Committee on the Future of Supercomputing, National Research Council.

Use the following url to access the free ebook The Future of Supercomputing .

The Internet Under Crisis Conditions

The Internet Under Crisis Conditions

This report presents findings of a workshop featuring representatives of Internet Service Providers and others with access to data and insights about how the Internet performed on and immediately after the September 11 attacks.

Use the following url to access the free ebook The Internet Under Crisis Conditions .

The Unpredictable Certainty: Information Infrastructure Through 2000

The Unpredictable Certainty: Information Infrastructure Through 2000

The Unpredictable Certainty explores the national information infrastructure (NII) as the collection of all public and private information services. But how and when will the NII become a reality? How will more and better services reach the home, small businesses, and remote locations? The Unpredictable Certainty examines these and other questions.

Use the following url to access the free ebook The Unpredictable Certainty: Information Infrastructure Through 2000 .

Trust in Cyberspace

Trust in Cyberspace

In this book, industry and academic experts provide a detailed assessment of the current state of the art for building trustworthy networked information systems. They propose new directions for research in computer and network security, software technology, and system architecture.

Use the following url to access the free ebook Trust in Cyberspace .

Virtual Reality: Scientific and Technological Challenges

Virtual Reality: Scientific and Technological Challenges

Virtual Reality is the first integrated treatment of the topic, presenting current knowledge along with thought-provoking vignettes about a future where SE is commonplace.

Use the following url to access the free ebook Virtual Reality: Scientific and Technological Challenges .

Voice Communication Between Humans and Machines

Voice Communication Between Humans and Machines

Voice Communication Between Humans and Machines provides a comprehensive understanding of the field of voice processing for engineers, researchers, and business executives, as well as speech and hearing specialists, advocates for people with disabilities, faculty and students, and interested individuals.

Use the following url to access the free ebook Voice Communication Between Humans and Machines .

Who Goes There?: Authentication Through the Lens of Privacy

Who Goes There?: Authentication Through the Lens of Privacy

Who Goes There?: Authentication Through the Lens of Privacy explores authentication technologies (passwords, PKI, biometrics, etc.) and their implications for the privacy of the individuals being authenticated. The book explains how privacy is affected by system design decisions. It also describes government s unique role in authentication and what this means for how government can use authentication with minimal invasions of privacy.

Use the following url to access the free ebook Who Goes There?: Authentication Through the Lens of Privacy .

Youth, Pornography, and the Internet

Youth, Pornography, and the Internet

Youth, Pornography, and the Internet examines approaches to protecting children and teens from Internet pornography, threats from sexual predators operating on-line, and other inappropriate material on the Internet. The book discusses social and educational strategies, technological tools, and policy options for how to teach children to make safe and appropriate decisions about what they see and experience on the Internet. It includes lessons learned from case studies of community efforts to intervene in kids exposure to Internet porn.

Use the following url to access the free ebook Youth, Pornography, and the Internet .

A Patent System for the 21st Century

A Patent System for the 21st Century urges creation of a mechanism for post-grant challenges to newly issued patents, reinvigoration of the non-obviousness standard to quality for a patent, strengthening of the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office, simplified and less costly litigation, harmonization of the U.S., European, and Japanese examination process, and protection of some research from patent infringement liability.
Use the following url to access the free ebook A Patent System for the 21st Century .

Signposts in Cyberspace: The Domain Name System and Internet Navigation

This free online book presents an assessment of the current state and future prospects of the DNS and Internet navigation, and its conclusions and recommendations concerning key technical and policy issues.
Use the following url to access the free ebook Signposts in Cyberspace: The Domain Name System and Internet Navigation .

Image Processing Fundamentals

This free online book covers the following topics: Digital Image Definitions, Tools, Perception, Image Sampling, Noise, Cameras, Displays, Algorithms and Techniques.
Use the following url to access the free ebook Image Processing Fundamentals .

The MPEG-4 Structured Audio Book

This free online book shows how to create audio content for MPEG 4 Structured Audio. The book includes a tutorial introduction and sections on the SAOL language, SASL and MIDI instrument control, and advanced opcodes.
Use the following url to access the free ebook The MPEG-4 Structured Audio Book .

The Psychology of Cyberspace

This free online book explores the psychological aspects of environments created by computers and online networks. It presents an evolving conceptual framework for understanding how people react to and behave within cyberspace
Use the following url to access the free ebook The Psychology of Cyberspace .

Principles of Computerized Tomographic Imaging

Principles of Computerized Tomographic Imaging provides a comprehensive, tutorial-style introduction to the algorithms for reconstructing cross-sectional images from projection data and contains a complete overview of the engineering and signal processing algorithms necessary for tomographic imaging. It can be downloaded in pdf format.
Use the following url to access the free ebook Principles of Computerized Tomographic Imaging .

Open Access Bibliography

The Open Access Bibliography: Liberating Scholarly Literature with E-Prints and Open Access Journals provides an overview of open access concepts. It is available in pdf and html formats.
Use the following url to access the free ebook Open Access Bibliography .

PVM: Parallel Virtual Machine

This free online book introduces distributed computing, discusses where and how to get the PVM software, provides an overview of PVM and a tutorial on setting up and running existing programs, and introduces basic programming techniques.
Use the following url to access the free ebook PVM: Parallel Virtual Machine .

Intelligent Vision Systems for Industry

This free pdf book covers Basic machine vision techniques, Intelligent image processing, Using AI languages in machine vision, Multimedia interfaces, External device control, Color image recognition, and Applications of intelligent vision.
Use the following url to access the free ebook Intelligent Vision Systems for Industry .

Image Processing and Data Analysis: The Multiscale Approach

Powerful techniques have been developed in recent years for the analysis of digital data, especially the manipulation of images. This book provides an in-depth introduction to a range of these innovative, avant-garde data-processing techniques. It is available in pdf format as a free download.
Use the following url to access the free ebook Image Processing and Data Analysis: The Multiscale Approach .

The Data Analysis BriefBook

The BriefBook is a condensed handbook, or an extended glossary, written in encyclopedic format, covering subjects in statistics, computing, analysis, and related fields. It intends to be both introduction and reference for data analysts, scientists and engineers.
Use the following url to access the free ebook The Data Analysis BriefBook .

Herong's Tutorial Notes on Swing


Herong's Tutorial Notes on Swing

This free book is an excellent tutorial book for beginners. It is a collection of notes and sample codes written by the author while he was learning Java AWT and Swing. Topics include AWT, button, Chinese, component, event, frame, graphics, GUI, internal frame, Java, JDK, JFC, language, label, listener, look and feel, MVC, radio button, resolution, screen, Swing, text field, thread, toolkit, tutorial, Unicode.

Use the following url to access the free ebook Herong\'s Tutorial Notes on Swing .

Principles of Computerized Tomographic Imaging

Principles of Computerized Tomographic Imaging provides a comprehensive, tutorial-style introduction to the algorithms for reconstructing cross-sectional images from projection data and contains a complete overview of the engineering and signal processing algorithms necessary for tomographic imaging. It can be downloaded in pdf format.
Use the following url to access the free ebook Principles of Computerized Tomographic Imaging .

Animation/Games in Java

Animation/Games in Java

Java can be applied to many uses. However, one of the most fun applications of Java is to use it to create small animated applets. In this series of articles I will show you how to create animated Java apples.

Use the following url to access the free ebook Animation/Games in Java .

HTTP Programming Recipes for Java Bots

HTTP Programming Recipes for Java Bots

HTTP programming allows you to create programs that access the web much like a human user would. These programs, which are called bots, can collect information or automate common web programming tasks. This book presents a collection of very reusable recipes for Java bot programming.

Use the following url to access the free ebook HTTP Programming Recipes for Java Bots .

Open Access Bibliography

The Open Access Bibliography: Liberating Scholarly Literature with E-Prints and Open Access Journals provides an overview of open access concepts. It is available in pdf and html formats.
Use the following url to access the free ebook Open Access Bibliography .

Java for the Beginning Programmer

Java for the Beginning Programmer

Java for the Beginning Programmer teaches Java to someone with absolutely no programming background. This book focuses on core programming topics such as variables, looping, subroutines, and program layout.

Use the following url to access the free ebook Java for the Beginning Programmer .

Introduction to Neural Networks with Java

Introduction to Neural Networks with Java

This book attempts to teach neural network programming through two mechanisms. First the reader is shown how to create a reusable neural network package that could be used in any Java program.

Use the following url to access the free ebook Introduction to Neural Networks with Java .

PVM: Parallel Virtual Machine

This free online book introduces distributed computing, discusses where and how to get the PVM software, provides an overview of PVM and a tutorial on setting up and running existing programs, and introduces basic programming techniques.
Use the following url to access the free ebook PVM: Parallel Virtual Machine .

Intelligent Vision Systems for Industry

This free pdf book covers Basic machine vision techniques, Intelligent image processing, Using AI languages in machine vision, Multimedia interfaces, External device control, Color image recognition, and Applications of intelligent vision.
Use the following url to access the free ebook Intelligent Vision Systems for Industry .

The Linux Kernel

The Linux Kernel

The Kernelbook aims to be the guide to how the kernel fits together, the subsystems and algorithms, maps of interconnections and trouble spots.

Use the following url to access the free ebook The Linux Kernel .

Jan Newmarch's Guide to Jini Technologies

Jan Newmarch's Guide to Jini Technologies

This tutorial based on Jini 2.0, is the most popular online book for Jini.

Use the following url to access the free ebook Jan Newmarch\'s Guide to Jini Technologies .

Linux Shell Scripting A Beginner's handbook

Linux Shell Scripting A Beginner's handbook

This free online book covers the following topics: Quick Introduction to Linux, Getting started with Shell Programming, Shells (bash) structured Language Constructs, Advanced Shell Scripting Commands, Essential Utilities for Power User, Learning expressions with ex, awk Revisited and Examples of Shell Scripts.

Use the following url to access the free ebook Linux Shell Scripting A Beginner\'s handbook .

Image Processing and Data Analysis: The Multiscale Approach

Powerful techniques have been developed in recent years for the analysis of digital data, especially the manipulation of images. This book provides an in-depth introduction to a range of these innovative, avant-garde data-processing techniques. It is available in pdf format as a free download.
Use the following url to access the free ebook Image Processing and Data Analysis: The Multiscale Approach .

JAAS In Action

JAAS In Action

JAAS is the Java Authentication and Authorization Service bundled in Java SE. JAAS can be used to provide user management and permissioning.

Use the following url to access the free ebook JAAS In Action .

The Data Analysis BriefBook

The BriefBook is a condensed handbook, or an extended glossary, written in encyclopedic format, covering subjects in statistics, computing, analysis, and related fields. It intends to be both introduction and reference for data analysts, scientists and engineers.
Use the following url to access the free ebook The Data Analysis BriefBook .

Linux Compute Clusters

Linux Compute Clusters

Linux Compute Clusters includes the following topics: Chapter 1: Introduction to Clusters, Chapter 2: Cluster Node Design (Outline only), Chapter 3: Cluster Interconnects, Chapter 4: Storage for a Linux Compute Cluster (Outline only), Chapter 5: Physical Considerations (Outline only),Chapter 6: Software Environment (Outline only),Chapter 7: Cluster Resource and Performance Management, Chapter 8: Cluster Administration (Outline only), Chapter 9: Clusters in a Production HPC Environment (Case Study), Chapter 10: Project from the Ground Up (Case Study), Chapter 11: Commercial Application and Chapter 11: Commercial Application (Case Study).

Use the following url to access the free ebook Linux Compute Clusters .

The Data Analysis BriefBook

The BriefBook is a condensed handbook, or an extended glossary, written in encyclopedic format, covering subjects in statistics, computing, analysis, and related fields. It intends to be both introduction and reference for data analysts, scientists and engineers.
Use the following url to access the free ebook The Data Analysis BriefBook .

Thinking in Java, 4th edition

Thinking in Java, 4th edition

Thinking in Java is a printed version of Bruce Eckel's online materials that provides a useful perspective on mastering Java for those with previous programming experience. The author's take on the essence of Java as a new programming language and the thorough introduction to Java's features make this a worthwhile tutorial.

Use the following url to access the free ebook Thinking in Java 4th edition .

Getting Started with Grails

Getting Started with Grails

Grails is an open-source, rapid web application development framework that provides a super-productive full-stack programming model based on the Groovy scripting language and built on top of Spring, Hibernate, and other standard Java frameworks. Download this free ebook.

Use the following url to access the free ebook Getting Started with Grails .

Active Contours

Active Contours is about the computer analysis of moving video images. Numerous applications are illustrated from computer graphics animation, user-interface design, medical imaging, automated surveillance and robotics. This book can be downloaded freely in postscript format.
Use the following url to access the free ebook Active Contours .